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The Influence of Ranking Algorithms

23 juillet 2020

Hannes Westermann, chercheur étudiant au regroupement JusticIA de l’Université de Montréal et au Laboratoire de cyberjustice, nous renseigne sur les algorithmes de classement dans un billet récemment paru sur le blogue de JusticIA.

(…) there is a much larger volume of information and content available on the internet than any person could consume in a lifetime. In order to make sense and navigate this wealth of data, we often rely on services that filter and rank the information for us, such as Google, which claimed to serve at least 2 trillion searches annually in 2016, equivalent to over 63,000 per second. These services are backed by algorithms that are able to sift through billions of documents and determine what to show us and in which order.

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